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South Korea’s demographic crisis could be Yoon Suk-yeol’s biggest challenge

Super-low birth rate poised to reduce workforce and undermine national defense without major policy changes

South Korea’s demographic crisis could be Yoon Suk-yeol’s biggest challenge


New South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol sold his razor-thin election win over Lee Jae-myung as a “victory of the great South Korean people” and has promised to tackle growing economic disparity through deregulation and market-led policies.

But Yoon’s lack of policy experience and the difficulties his government faces in fostering post-election unity are cause for concern. Among a laundry list of challenges for the president is South Korea’s rock-bottom birth rate and aging population. Both have negative implications for the country’s economy, demographics and security.

The way to solve these seemingly intractable challenges is to develop a two-pronged socially inclusive policy. One part will support Korean women in their choices to work and/or have families, and the other will encourage low and semi-skilled foreign workers to fill labor gaps in South Korea’s economy.

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